Jason E. Fort
Revealing light in the darkness
John 1: 5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


"Reaching the world for Christ, one reader at a time."
Not only do I write Christian thrillers and family history, but I post monthly in my blog, my conservative Christian worldview related to current events and things going on in my life, family, faith, and career. As always, I'd be honored if you follow along.

Jason E. Fort was born and raised in Greenville, SC, by a traditional southern family. He is the oldest, and biggest of three boys. His parents allowed him to be heavily involved with a small local church, and he went on to attend a small Christian college and pursue a brief career in education as a PE teacher. Along the way he taught and coached basketball, baseball, and football. He also found his way into the fitness industry, and eventually the YMCA. He wanted to make more money for his family, so one day he walked into a local bar and asked about a job as a bouncer, after hearing about the place through a neighbor. After a five year attempt at being the nicest bouncer in town, people began telling him he needed to go into law enforcement or security. He began working as a police officer in 2010, and still works as a police officer to this day. He grew up with a flair for drawing, and has since channeled that creative energy into storytelling. His stories are meant to enlighten readers by using real current events and speculating 'What if?', with an emphasis on conservative values and Christian beliefs. Although he provides intense action and violence (but not gore) within the stories, his upbringing in church depicts a theme that no matter how bad things get, God can still shine a light through it all...a concept that is more American than most people are willing to admit.