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Misguided was officially released on Kindle on November 5, 2014. It really was a pleasure to write, and I can't wait to announce when the next book in the Knox Mission is coming out. Stay tuned-


Book Signing At Chicora Alley - Dec. 19, 2014


Can we say humbling experience? I can't thank all the family friends enough for coming out to support me in this new endeavor. It truly kindled a spark in this budding author, and only helped reassure me that I was meant to pursue this writing-thing. For those that don't know - Chicora Alley is a restaurant/bar where I served as a door-mn/bouncer of sorts for a period of about five years. The Chicora folks were nice enough to let me use their business as the venue for my very first book signing. Overall it was a great turn-out, and will go down as one of my favorite memories.

A picture of Jason E. Fort signing books at his first book signing.


Re:Write - Ragged Edge


This was my very first writers' conference, and it was all the way out in Austin, Texas - Yee-haw! I had never been to Texas. But the highlight of the trip was that I got to meet my favorite author, Ted Dekker, and learn what felt like everything there is to know about writing! It was an enlightening experience, and I think it was just the beginning of a long career to come. I wish I could say I had some pictures taken, but I was too busy taking it all in - and my phone camera was on the fritz!

Ted Dekker speaking at te Ragged Edge Writers Confeence in 2015


Multi-Authors Book Signing at Joe's Place -
June 27, 2015


Going to be signing and selling both books, Misguided and Mistaken, in downtown Greenville, SC at Joe's Place on South Main Street, near the Army-Navy Store.

Someone tell me the chances of this - nice southern guy happens to be in town for the weekend, he is the first customer in Joe's Place to check out my Book. He looks at the back, reads it, then sets it down and asks me, "What's the name of your main character again?" I tell him, "John Knox." He holds out his hand and introduces himself, "John Knox...pleased to meet you." Then he bought both books.

Jason E. Fort meeting a man whoshared the name of the namesake of Jason's first trilogy - John Knox himself!


Love Your Indie Event Book Signing at

Fiction Addiction July 3, 2015

Love Your Indie Event Book Signing at

Fiction Addiction July 3, 2015

Going to be signing and selling both books, Misguided and Mistaken, at Fiction Addiction - independent bookstore in Haywood Corners in Greenville, SC.


Local Author Showcase at

Captain Kimberly Hampton Memorial

Library November 15, 2015

Jason's first book, on the shelf at the public library.

Speaking Engagement with Sons of the American Revolution

Jason speaking to the Sons of the American Revolution

The First Edition of The Cornerstone went out to members of THE FOUNDATION


Love Your Indie Event Book Signing at

Fiction Addiction July 2, 2016


Going to sign all three books of The Knox Mission and re-visit a local favorite independent bookstore.

Template for the layout of Jason's fourth novel, Tracking Game.
Book Launch Party
M. Judson's in downtown Greenville, SC
Author in Conversation with Entrepreneur Jeremy Goldsmith
July 28, 2016
Jason and his friend Jeremy Goldsmith; his inspiration to self-publish
Book signing at M. Judson's Book Store in Greenville,SC
July 28, 2016
Authors in Conversation - Book Signing at M. Judson's Book Store
in Greenville, SC
Good times had by all; friends and family, for the first store release of my fourth novel...Tracking Game: Book 1 of The Hunters
August 18-21, 2016
Killer Nashville Writers Conference
Official title background from the web site of the Killer Nashville Writers Conference
December 20
Weekly Radio Broadcast Begins
On Christian Radio Station
August 24-27th
Second Visit to the Killer Nashville Writers Conference;
This time I spoke on two panels; one as an expert on police practices, one as an indie author.
Second trip toKiller Nashville, spoke onsome authors' panels



February 24th, 2018

Guest caller on guest line for local conservative talk radio, WGTK, 94.5 The answer

Local Conservative Talk Radio interviewed Jaon abou his books



Third Visit to Killer Nashville

Led two author panel discussions; sat on three panels, and of course signed some books! What a great writers conference, EVERY YEAR! Click on the picture for a video from the day I left.

Third trip to Killer Nashville, selling books!


June of 2019, I headed back to Chicora Alley, to sell and sign some more books...7 novels later! We had fun seeing old faces, and meeting some new ones.

Still have several paperbacks on hand. S


Although it is a rough sketch now, Fortress Books and the John Knox-Robert Brady has a more focused direction for the rest of the series. When it's all written down, or typed up on the screen - 30 novels by yours truly, will grace the metaphorical pages of the internet.

Robert Brady universe. Check it out; Kee


My brush with local fame! Local News 7 from Spartanburg, SC featured me in their local First Responders Friday spotlight, and they specifically let me focus on all my books! This was a good time, and good opportunity.

First Responder Friday thumbnail.webp

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