Think about a time when you were misguided. I remember a time in college, when a friend - who will remain anonymous - came up on my dorm hall while intoxicated, and my little brother was in town to visit. This friend at the time was cursing like a sailor, and ignoring the fact that my younger sibling was in plain sight. I let my anger get the best of me that day, and let the anger misguide me toward hating that individual during most of my stay at that school. I learned the error of my ways before graduating, but had been misguided by thinking I could be his judge, when really there is only one true judge over us all.
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Jason E. Fort
Revealing light in the darkness
John 1: 5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


"Reaching the world for Christ, one reader at a time."
Not only do I write Christian thrillers and family history, but I post monthly in my blog, my conservative Christian worldview related to current events and things going on in my life, family, faith, and career. As always, I'd be honored if you follow along.
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