So there I was, laughing, discussing, demonstrating, repeating, guiding, training...teaching. Have you ever realized that although you may have left a career, certain aspects or duties that you had in a past career follow you wherever you go? There was a time when I absolutely loved teaching. I used to laugh with young children, teach them different exercises and rules to various games, different physical skills, and build their self esteem. I used very similar skills when I coached middle school and high school athletes, whether that be in the weight room, on the basketball court, or on a football field. Now I am a training officer...a police officer, but I train 'civilians' and security officers. In several training classes today, I got to enjoy that old passion once again. I had people participate and make the class fun. I had some people who wanted to know more. I had people tell me things or bring things to my attention that I wasn't even aware had gone on recently. It was like a pleasant flashback...back to the days when I was good old 'Mr. Coach Fort.' Although this seemed to be a longer week than usual at work, I ended it on a great note. I think the Good Lord opened my eyes today to show that once again, I have gone down various paths for a reason. My grandmother on my mom's side was a school teacher. My mother was a teacher. I was a school teacher...and I still get to teach - just a different type of student. But after all the classes today, and earlier this week, I thought about that great feeling of satisfaction when I felt like I really communicated to students, or in this case, peers - exactly what I wanted to get across. And even though it was a familiar feeling, I thought about the old TV commercial for that good old fashion breakfast cereal - Corn Flakes. Remember...'taste them again for the first time'...remember that? So anyway, I want to ask anyone out there. Can you think of past careers, and certain skills or activities pertaining to a specific job? Have any of those things stuck with you, even though you have moved on to other things? Just felt like sharing.
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Jason E. Fort
Revealing light in the darkness
John 1: 5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
"Reaching the world for Christ, one reader at a time."
Not only do I write Christian thrillers and family history, but I post monthly in my blog, my conservative Christian worldview related to current events and things going on in my life, family, faith, and career. As always, I'd be honored if you follow along.
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