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Writer's pictureJason E. Fort

The Warrior's Wisdom

The battle-hardened warrior, happened across a guardian;

He couldn't help but notice the man's worried brow.

"What vexes you my brother?" he asked the guardian.

"I received bad news," he started, and he began to explain how.

"My son is a warrior like you," said the guardian;

"He signed up to fight for God and Country."

"I see" answered the warrior, "let me guess;

You are worried for him, and now have a quandary?"

The guardian nodded, and then he clarified.

"It is not that I believe he isn't ready.

He's trained his body, and he's trained his heart;

And his mind and spirit have always been steady."

"It is the fact that while I am a fighter,

I have not fought for my nation nor do I know

What it is like to have entire enemy forces

Want to bring about your certain destruction just so."

"And you feel helpless in your son's plight,"

Answered the warrior again, once he understood.

"I have seen many battles and fought foreign enemies;

I have wisdom and advice to share, if I could."

The guardian nodded once again, and sat on a stump.

He offered the warrior the spot on the adjacent rock.

"Guardian, let me tell you how your family should prepare

Since it seems like your son comes from good stock."

"First, you can tell the young man, your only son

That he has been trained by the best of fighters.

He should trust those that taught him and shaped him,

Those hardened men that turn enemies into nail-biters."

"Tell him to forget about this world he leaves behind;

Tell him to remain ever-focused on his mission.

After all, remind him of that greater cause

That forced him to sign up to fight of his own volition."

"As for you and your wife, speaking as a parent myself

There is nothing you can do but keep him in your prayers.

That way, instead of being his own stumbling block,

When he finally meets the enemy, he'll be theirs!"

"Keep all the knowledge of stressful things back home

Completely out of his mind while he's away.

Don't listen to the gossipers, and the news from afar

And that way you and yours can have your own pleasant day."

"Always remember, God protects His warriors.

You've told me before; your son knows God's Son.

And when your son finally returns to you,

No Matter when or how; that's when a new journey has begun."

The warrior stood up from his temporary seat.

He bid the guardian a fond farewell.

So this old yarn goes out to all of the warriors

Who are sent out to face war; our historical man-made hell.

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